
Oil painting • Size 1.20m x 80cm.
Realised in France (EU)
This period of time felt like a deliverance, I had to let go, this one has been painted with a knife, my nails and all my heart. Just like the first time you fall in love, this is the first paint that I’ve made that way, and that showed me the way.
Oil painting • 1.20m x 80cm.
Realised in Northen Ireland (UK)
 Surrending by grace, I found you beautiful, exploring and protecting that lake, I saw you dancing. The particules of light in the water all around you, transcendental. You’re an image but you’re alive, that image that’s comes into my field of consciousness to touch me deeply. You have given me softness and strength, what a benediction.


Oil painting • 1.20m x 80cm.
Realised in Northen Ireland (UK)
Life is just a dream, when are we really asleep?
Savor this fleeting moment, this moment when doors open to you, this moment which passes quickly and which warms the heart, this moment where we stretch out. Also savor this moment of gestation before and after the expansion, because it is only cyclical and it is thanks to it that we really experience this growth.


Oil painting - 65.5cm x 54cm.
Realised in France (EU)
We try to cling to the branches, to so-called tangible things... But what if what came from the sky was more real than the rest?